Thursday, January 31, 2013

HoRRorScope !!!

Astrologers and meteorologists are a lot alike , nobody takes them seriously , if they predict wrong nobody cares cos u never believed in them anyways , and if they predicted correct then they don't get due credit cos fate walks away with it.

But that does not stop us from checking our horoscope in the newspaper everyday for the kicks of it. I mean which single guy (single for lack of opportunity and not by choice) does not like to read "prospects of finding love" ( read as - finally get laid) ) first thing in the morning ?!
The fact that the horoscopes are placed in the same page as the funnies escapes most people!!

Tarot card readers have it much easier , they can at least play a game of solitaire or five card draw poker with their fellow tarot card readers while waiting for clients. and if there were psychic then they could play between cities. though there would be no point in playing cos , they would know who would win in the end. so i am guessing each player draws his own cards and on finding who would triumph at the end, hand over all the money to him, thus setting a speed record for the fastest marathon session of poker ever played.
lady gaga can keep her poker face.

so lemme give you a scenario. alright? you pick a card , and it turns out to be a morbid looking grim reaper with a sardonic grin on its face (skull) , it scares the beejeezeess out of you !!! it looks like death, feels like death and in case u had any doubt it says in bold Gothic font "DEATH".
 your head swims with images of crying relatives, serious looking friends , laughing neighbor (that bastard!!) and the pretty girl across the street who does not acknowledge your existence ( but for whom u had the hots for since u discovered the science of birds and bees) crying inconsolably at your funeral. your eyes well up with self pity , you bite your lip at how unjust it is for the untimely demise of a bright young soul, just when you have given up all hope and are making a mental evaluation of all your worldly belongings(that hyena of a neighbor gets your unwashed jockeys), the tarot card reader rudely interrupts your personal mourning to inform you that , "death is a good card to draw!! it means the ending of a cycle, a transition into a new state, a psychological transformation !!!"
You stopped listening after ending of a cycle...... the gloomy room suddenly brightens up, the once sinister looking reader starts looking more and more angelic by the feel euphoric and light headed, you nod profusely to everything the reader tells you and hand over how much ever pieces of silver the reader demands and step out into the world a reborn man with new found faith in tarot cards.

That folks is the tried and tested method of " SHOCK and AWE!!" ..... shock them out of their comfort zone and then hit them with all that they wanted to hear..... simpler to buy a magic 9 ball don't you think ?

though if you step out of the tarot card readers office and get run over by a bus!!.... thats FATE!

(cartoon by yours truly) 


Vix said...

This is hilarious! Hahaha... What a way to start my Sunday! Thanx mate! U rock... Vicky

Vix said...

This is hilarious! Hahaha... What a way to start my Sunday! Thanx mate! U rock... Vicky

Vinay Srinivasan said...

gracias ,gracias muchos gracias amigo ;)

Unknown said...

SHOCK and AWE. Hahaha.. nice thinking sailor !!