Monday, April 29, 2013

The best kicks in life are for free !!

Who does not love a good head rush ? The same after effects of 6 hours of drinking condensed into 3 seconds of sublime joy, minus the hangover , potential DUIs, and regretful drunken dials. And not to forget its ...FREEEEE and perfectly legal :) .

The best part is that it can never be induced, it's gotta hit you when you least expect it , the sudden wobbly knees, the total disorientation , frantic but slow motion clutching about for something to hold on to , the wave like rush of euphoria , and then gradually the room stops spinning and the legs regain their strength leaving no traces of a mini roller coaster ride save for a sheepish grin and a twinkle in ones eye..... Orgasm anyone ?!?

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