Monday, January 28, 2013

The Story This Far.................

So here I am , in the land of milk and honey, unfortunately for me I am lactose intolerant , I am not referring to the medical condition, I am just referring to my habit of not drinking milk. Before I ramble on my views on bees and their products, lemme start from the beginning.

There I stood in the immigration line at the Delhi airport, waiting for a grim faced middle aged man to stamp a “good bye, will u come again” seal on my passport. I handed my immigration form and passport, he asked me with a bored expression, “Are u travelling to the United states to board a vessel?”
“No sir I am travelling to the united states to meet my wife!!” replied I in serious earnestness. His somber face broke into huge smile, “then we definitely have to send you there!! “said the good man and stamped my passport with a resounding thump, and waved me along with a friendly wave of his hands and generous nods of approval. I wondered if the crusaders got the same sendoff at the immigration lines?.

I had decided to fly in to the land of Arnold Schwarzenegger with the Germans , as the Britt’s had done a fairly good job of dispatching most of the aircraft's owned by the Luftwaffe 6 decades back I was forced to fly Lufthansa.
Five beers, four sitcoms, three movies, two documentaries and one stop over at Munich later I was safely deposited in San Francisco.

The customs didn't care, the immigration was bored and the sniffer dog wasn't bothered about neither me nor my luggage. So undisturbed and unmolested (so much for all the horror stories of cavity searches) I proceeded to the exit and looked for my wife so I could squeeze her till her eyeballs popped.
The wife breezed in and after a little bit of the husband wife reunion acts of affection whisked me off to the golden gate bridge for a “welcome to California” treat.

So here I am in the land of milk and honey (those of you who are having a sense of déjà vu, I direct your attention to the first line of the blog.)  For the last week and it’s been an interesting journey so far.

This is the exact precise moment where u choose to continue reading or bail out, sell the farm and move to mars ( Venus if you have two X chromosomes) cos this blog will be filled with my raves, rants with melodramatic undertones !! so treat this as a disclaimer, check your horoscope in the paper or call your tarot card reader before you decide to jump into this quicksand of bad grammar worse spellings and atrocious punctuation!!  
                                                             YOU are being WARNED !! ............



Alex said...

Keep 'em rolling son...Nice intro with milk n honey....

Vinay Srinivasan said...

gracias amigo!!