Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Desk Jockey : Auto-Gawd !!!

Week -2 

Sucked it up and finally jumped head first into AutoCAD today, a software which according to me is the closest I’ll ever be to anything remotely Rocket Science Related. I had been  avoiding AutoCAD like the Plague, sticking to word, excel and PDF files. Couldn’t put it off anymore, finally decided to download the blessed thing. Asked around for a installer CD, nobody had one. all the senior engineers were using the old version and the newbies were still using the student version. So I go online and download the one month trial version so I can get started immediately.

Even my Laptop seemed surprised that I was downloading AutoCAD, It asked me thrice. It first asked me “ do you want to install AutoCAD 2016?” I said “Yes Please”. Then it asked me again “ errrr are you SURE you want to install AUTOCAD 2016 !!!!” I said “YES god damnnit !!!” . After a long painful silence punctuated with frequent arthritic whirring of the laptops cooling fan , it asked me “ Should we speak to the administrator and ask him if it’s ok?” I replied “you are MY Laptop you idiot, I am The Bloody Administrator, Now OBEY me and install the Bleeding Thing” The Laptop jumped to it and got busy doing its bidding , these Artificial Intelligence thingys need to be put in its place, else they will start travelling back in time and try assassinating a younger you, ask John Connor.

 When I told Boss/Dad I had the 2016 version he gave me a look which I translated to being a look of admiration, but deep down I know it was the exact same look he would give a monkey walking around with a MAC Pro book.

So heavily armed with the latest version of I ventured into the dense deep jungle of electrical drawings and Layouts. I felt like a caveman walking around with an AK-47. a caveman would be more prone to using the rifle as a club rather than fire it. Likewise I would be happy if I didn’t make an ass of myself by trying to use AutoCAD to download YouTube videos.

During the start up of software’s like AutoCAD and acrobat have this live commentary going on on what is happening, one of the lines I noticed during start up was  “Loading working environment “  I looked around me in awe half expecting my cubical to start turning into a AutoCAD suitable work environment. I am not sure what the use of the live commentary is, is it just to give the waiter/user some reading material to distract him from how long the loading process is. Or is it just to intimidate a person into believing there are too many complicated stuff happening beyond their comprehension so to quietly hit the X n go open a word document. Am not sure which one but both worked on me.

45 minutes into AutoCAD I now know two things, first is, hit “escape” the minute you click something and the color changes in the drawing. And secondly when in doubt close document and pretend like you never opened it in the first place in case someone asks. Every time I hit X to close the drawing AutoCAD asks me cheekily “ Do you want to save the changes you have made? ”, knowing full well that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and there is no way in hell I would save anything I ever did.

 I might have impressed the tea delivery guy with all the colorful and serious looking drawings i seemed to always have open, when he  comes by with my coffee. But then again working for as long as he has in the office I wouldn’t be surprised if he tapped me on my shoulder and said “keep scroll wheel pressed to pan document”.

The Kind of Stuff I hope to use AutoCAD for. 

What I'll Probably End up Using it For.


Unknown said...

U r incredible with words..n ur sense of humor is filled with so much madness .. Perfect combination !! Totally loved the read vinay.. Keep them coming !!

Unknown said...

U r incredible with words..n ur sense of humor is filled with so much madness .. Perfect combination !! Totally loved the read vinay.. Keep them coming !!