Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Is There a Googler In The House??!!

You know you are getting old when you start feeling pains in parts of your body you cant reach anymore.

I am a compulsive googler, i google everything from Sunny Leones earlier works in her movie carrer ( oh come on!! dont get all holier than thou on me, i am sure you did too, i am just honest enough to admit it) to how many stars are in the galaxy (100 Billion incase you were wondering, your welcome ) 
The older I get the wiser I have become, I don't click on the first suggestion Google churns out for my symptoms and start panicking, I am wiser now and open four or five different pages weigh my options and finally select the best diagnosis. Now that I am wiser I don't settle for the most convineant sounding ailment , I now have a few category's to be met, like fancy sounding names filed with medical terminologies with a glamorous background or cool sounding names "Achilles heal" , or even "tennis elbow". Why tennis elbow you ask ? , it's simple, when you tell somebody you have tennis elbow you are implying that you play tennis , which implies that you are athletic. It does not matter that you gave yourself tennis elbow by doing some chronic ear wax digging.

I blame Google for all the ailments that ail me.it has unfortunately gotten too easy for one to become a self proclaimed Google certified doctor. connecting the dots from symptom to disease is but now a few click away( a few painful clicks if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.where did I learn about carpal tunnel syndrome you ask ? i gave myself carpal tunnel syndrome while i was frantically  trying to find out how to give myself a back massage  ).

I have always wondered why doctors felt the need to display their degree certificate on the walls of their clinic. Now I understand , it is their way of saying " I went to medical school for 5 bloody years. I know more about your problem than what you can research on Google or Wikipedia so please keep your mouth shut and allow me to do my job".

Doctors initially had to deal with patients sneaking away from the prescribed treatment and trying home remedies. And then returning sheepishly in a worse off condition than they began with . Today doctors have to deal with google-fueled-smartarsess .not only do these guys steer away from their prescribed treatment and dosage half the time, they arrive at the doctors door after having unsuccessfully tried to cure a whole different non existing disease. Now the doctor has to deal with the problem in hand and the problems caused by the self medication.

Patient- doctor I have been noticing a abnormal growth on my forehead which is growing at an alarming rate could it be malignant poly tumor ?
Doctor - no Einstein,it is a pimple and if you stop touching it every 3 minutes it will stop growing.

Back home in India ,medical help comes in all shapes , sizes, budgets and even religion . From witch doctors to neurotic surgeon we have them all. here in the US medical help is sinfully expensive if you do not have an insurance. i was speaking to a friend of mine visiting on a tourist visa, and he happened to mention that he has been sick for a few days and is considering going to a doctor but didn't have a insurance coverage, i asked him to suck it up and cure it by swigging a bottle of whisky and sleeping for 36 hours, else he would have to sell a kidney to pay for the treatment of a common cold.

 I have spent more time researching the different pains radiating from my legs than actually running.

I now know that i can get Runners knee( Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome or Pattelofemoral Syndrome) ,Shin Splints( Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) ,Plantar Fasciitis , Achilles Tendinopathy , Plica syndrome, Hip Burstis or Excercise Induced Compartment Syndrome and  almost scared myself into never running again.

Ilio Tibial Syndrome or Plantar Fasciitis sounds like something you would catch from recreational visits to the  shadier parts of the city but i assure you it is not.

I twisted my ankle a month back while running and while my wife was fussing all over me , I told her in my best Indiana jones voice, "don't sweat it luv,all I need is R.I.C.E" ... " Rest,Ice,Compression and Elevation" as she looked at me with admiration in her brown eyes , I didn't have the heart to tell her I learnt it from google while I was limping painfully back home. So google to the rescue I guess .
Makes you look smarter than you really are. 

 Its not long before the legendry sentence " is there a doctor in the house? there has been an emergency!!" will soon be replaced by "is there a googler in the house??!!". Don't be surprised if you see some smug idiot with smart phone step up and say " I know CPR, I just googled it." 
Sure google has that annoying habit of trying to guess what your looking for, keeps trying to tell you what you want before you finish your sentence(all you men,if you just had a sense of deja vu then you must be a married),But honestly speaking i really dont mind,you never know what you might find.its like sticking your hand into box of assorted cookies and not knowing what you might pick. i asked google four most elementry questions Who,How,When,Where and What google had a couple of interesting suggestions to make...

How to Boil an EGG??!! seriously??

 Google must be  high on Weed!!
excellent questions for a Pothead.

This is what i mean by intersting new finds i could
have been typing " what is quantum physics" but
now i going to discover what
Harlem Shake is !! win win if you ask me

Where is the Love indeed.
and off course where is Chuck Norris!!
Wouldn't you want to know ?

Google is the new age Jeeves.

In case you were wondering what a Harlem Shake is :)
